
来源:https://www.saiyunzs.com 时间:2019-05-17 15:08:57

1. 快餐店的装修不宜太温馨,特别是当你的店面开在繁华地段时。

1. Fast food restaurant decoration should not be too warm, especially when your store is in a busy area.
I have seen many stores in the first-class business circle. The products are very simple. The unit price is about 15 yuan. The stores are very warm, warm and elegant. The sofa is comfortable and the music is beautiful. But I think this kind of store usually can not live for half a year. The fact also confirms my idea. In more than a year, I have seen dozens of such stores go bankrupt.
The reason is very simple. The decoration is too luxurious and comfortable, which will inevitably affect the turnover rate, but if the unit price of passengers can not go up, how to make money?
2. 好的装修不是华美,而是简单且有作风
2. Good decoration is not gorgeous, but simple and stylish.
Good decoration is not the accumulation of Chinese dollar elements. When it comes to fast food, many people want to do the same as KFC. People who know KFC well are now changing their decoration style. Good decoration, I think, should be simple and stylish. I've seen a small shop with cement walls, cement floors, wooden bookshelves, wooden tables and wall paintings, which are simple and crude, but very comfortable.
3. 不能过于追求装修层次,要懂得入乡随俗
3. We should not pursue the level of decoration too much. We should know how to follow the custom when entering the country.
Decoration sometimes should pay attention to the local customs, for example, you must do in the shopping mall that the upper level, if you open in the city village, you again pretend to be the style of the shopping mall, it will inevitably give people a possible very expensive illusion, people will inevitably look away.
Therefore, the shop decoration must be in line with your customer groups, in the face of low-consumption groups, your decoration must seek innovation in their cognitive scope. If you make a steamed bun shop into a Western restaurant, then I am afraid no one dares to go in and consume it.
4. 装修作风要能提现你的品类特性
4. Decoration style should be able to improve your category characteristics.
As mentioned above, if the steamed bun shop is made into the style of Western restaurant, will the products sell well? Why do fast food restaurants choose red and yellow? Why do Western restaurants choose black or darker colors? Why do drinks stores make small refreshing styles? There must be knowledge here, so decoration must consider the category characteristics of my products, can not consciously seek new.
5. 翻台率永远是要优先思索的
5. Turnover rate should always be considered first.
The key to the operation of small restaurants is to make small profits and sell more. There are two ways to sell more. One is to sit a little more in a larger store area, the other is to increase the turnover rate. Comparatively speaking, the expansion of the area is bound to increase the cost, so the turnover rate has become the way to victory. The center of improving turnover rate is to reduce customer stay time. There are many ways to improve turnover rate, which requires the separation of the situation itself to think about.
6. 该省的一定要省,不该省的一定不能省
6. The central government of the province must be provincial, but the central government of the province must not be provincial.
Restaurant decoration in many places can be saved, such as floor tiles do not necessarily have to be used as KFC, in a very high rent cost situation, the toilet is also able to think about saving, after all, this is only a plus item, not necessarily an option.
But there are some central authorities that can't be saved at all. For example, water and electricity must be guaranteed quality. Otherwise, if something goes wrong every day, it will affect your normal shutdown. Ventilation should also be done well, so that people can't feel very stuffy and depressed as soon as they come in, which will seriously affect the user's experience.
7. 永远不要想着你的装修后能卖钱
7. Never think that your decoration will eventually sell money.
A lot of people always think that it doesn't matter when they wear clothes. In the future, even if I don't do it, I can transfer it and collect a decoration fee. Everyone has such a good plan, but until that time, it is still unknown whether they can turn in or not. I used to spend more than 100,000 yuan decorating a store, and finally transferred 20,000 yuan. After all, the current economic situation is not good. There have been more and more rental shops. Who else would like to pick up a transferred store unless you are in a very good position?
8. 装修是加分项,不是必选项
8. Decoration is a sub-item, not a necessary option
A great part of the layman's spirit is spent on decoration. Because of the most intuitive response to his ideal of opening a shop, he always thought that his fine decoration can absorb people, and eventually all the money is invested in this, but not necessarily meeting the effect. Decoration for a store is only a sub-item, the center will always be your product. Many decades of old shops have set up roadside stalls and people line up every day to eat. It's necessary to think about why.
9. 谨防装修公司的那些坑
9. Beware of pits in decoration companies
The first time to do catering people often choose to decorate to the decoration company to do, in fact, there are many pits in the decoration, in short, you want to maximize the savings, they want to maximize the money, and finally compromise to the middle is inevitably jerry-building, quality is difficult to guarantee. If possible, I do decoration is the most reliable, after all, we open a small shop, the budget is limited, can not afford to squander.
10. 赚钱首要,文艺需慎重
10. The most important thing is to make money. Literature and art need to be careful.
Provide customers with a charging interface, a bag cabinet, toilet paper and hand sanitizer, the fastest free wifi, free care, free books and magazines... All of this can be imagined, but when you really do it, you will find that I don't make money. So when you decorate a store, you should always have a concept of making money to lay the groundwork, and then consider all your literary and artistic innovations.
This article is published by Jinan storefront decoration. Do you know something about these contents? For more information, please click: http://www.saiyunzs.com. We will have more wonderful content for you to see.

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